Creative writing about cooking and love for family

Thoughts On Cooking For My Family

I believe that food is more than just survival, it’s about comfort, love, and bringing people together.


I believe love has many elements contained within it.  One of those elements is inspiration.  When I am feeling love for my family, I feel inspired to create something wonderful, beautiful, worthy of praise and admiration.  But also, something that will in turn energize and inspire, and even nurture their own desire for creative self-expression.

For instance, one time I bought too many avocados. I asked my Gson what could I do so they didn’t go to waste. Ah Ha! He says and got to work making beautiful, delicious guacamole.

I’ve been thinking about creativity a lot lately. The motivation to be creative is intrinsic. It’s coming from somewhere inside me. I feel so happy these days, so in love with my live, my family, my community, my friends.

I came across a story in Women’s World Magazine about a woman who found creative work to be therapeutic. I feel her art work is wonderful, and I want to share it with others. I’m inserting a link to the article and to her facebook page where she shares her paintings. Here is a sample of one of her paintings.

Carolyn Eardley

Carolyn Eardley Art Facebook Page