Creative writing about cooking and love for family

Thoughts On Cooking For My Family

I believe that food is more than just survival, it’s about comfort, love, and bringing people together.

This is how it all started…

This all began when Covid hit. I had not done much cooking for the family since my daughter grew up and left home in 1995 so I was a bit rusty.

I can’t explain how it happened, just all of a sudden, when everything shut down and we were pretty much confined to home, all I wanted to do was read cook books.

I own many cook books, some favorites, some not so favorite, but wasn’t satisfied. I went to the library and checked out one after another. Then I started finding cook books in Little Free Libraries and brought them home.

On and on it went. Well, I needed an outlet for all this interest in cooking. I live in an apartment by myself. My family, consisting of daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren, a girl and a boy, live nearby. I usually ate dinner with them two or three times a week anyway.

So I offered to cook one day a week for them. They were surprised by accepted happily. We chose Thursdays to be my day.

I forgot to mention that the advent of Covid coincided with my retirement after 48 years of working. Time on my hands and no where to go contributed to finding a new hobby, cooking.

It has been quite an adventure and 5 years later I’m still doing it and enjoying every bit as much as when I first started.

I do not intend to provide recipes. Recipes are easy to find. I will give recipe titles and suggest places to find them. I am not affiliated with anyone or anything.

If I mention anything concerning nutrition or health, it is my opinion only. I am not a doctor or a scientist. I will talk about subjects I have learned and believe to be true, but encourage you to find out for yourself. I have done no research, written no papers, and do not pretend to be an expert on anything.

Christine Kondo

Writer & Journalist