Creative writing about cooking and love for family

Thoughts On Cooking For My Family

I believe that food is more than just survival, it’s about comfort, love, and bringing people together.

May 27, 2024 Tacos, Corn Salad, Shrimp Ceviche, Date Bars

Family was on the move this week. Sasha borrowed my car Thursday morning and drove with friends over to the Jersey Shore for a weekend getaway. The fellas were leaving early Saturday morning for a swim meet somewhere on the east side of the State. That meant smaller quantities for fewer leftovers.

What to do? I had a hard time deciding. I know Michelle likes Ceviche so since she would be by herself most of the weekend I made that for her. The fellas can devour quite a few tacos at one sitting so thought that would be a good idea.

I bought too many avocados for the ceviche, had 3 extras. Suggested to Apollo that we could make guacamole. Yes! Good idea! For him this was serious business. He let me help by crushing the garlic and salt with the mortar and pestle, also some onion. Oh boy, it was really good.

One response to “May 27, 2024 Tacos, Corn Salad, Shrimp Ceviche, Date Bars”

  1. Saralee Avatar

    I have read your last three entries. You have offered some good ideas, which have inspired me.