Creative writing about cooking and love for family

Thoughts On Cooking For My Family

I believe that food is more than just survival, it’s about comfort, love, and bringing people together.

May 23, 2024 Curry Tofu with Walnuts, Curry Sweet Potato Cauliflower Salad, Rice

Curry Tofu with Walnuts is a family favorite.  Apollo and I used to make this when he was little.  He loved cutting up the tofu into cubes.  When it came time to put the tofu into the bubbling coconut milk curry sauce, he would pick up one cube at a time and carefully drop it into the pot.  So careful, wanted to do it just right.

It’s a Mark Bitman recipe, easy to find with a google search.  The sauce turned out too thin this time.  I just realized I bet the coconut milk I used was non-fat.  Too thin but still good.

Remember not to put the walnuts in until the very end so they don’t get soggy.

By the way, I always use my own favorite curry powder when I make curries.  It’s Frontier Co-Op Indian Curry Seasoning with turmeric, coriander and lemon.  It’s mild, not spicy.

I decided to do another curry to go with the tofu dish.  A cold curry sweet potato, cauliflower salad.  I cut up a large sweet potato, did not pare it, and one full head of cauliflower.  I baked them in the oven until soft but not too soft.  Then dumped them into a large bowl.  Added a package of frozen peas, then the dressing.  It was curry but a different flavor, this one had a tahini base, juice and zest of one lemon, as well as the curry powder.

I was going to make a desert but I ran out of steam.  Made do with rice cooked in the rice cooker.