Creative writing about cooking and love for family

Thoughts On Cooking For My Family

I believe that food is more than just survival, it’s about comfort, love, and bringing people together.

June 6, 2024 Pork Stir Fry with Green Beans, Italian Peas and Mushrooms, Rice

Simple dinner this evening. We had an appointment with a photographer at 7 at Saunders Wood to take family photos. As soon as plates were cleared everyone disappeared to their rooms to dress for the photo session.

The first time I made the pork stir fry with green beans was one summer when Sasha and I were home alone. The others were all in Seattle visiting relatives. It turned out so good I’ve made it several times since and it’s become a family favorite.

There’s just one problem, it requires that the green beans be charred. When I do that in the big cast iron pan on top the stove it always smokes up the whole house. They are delicious but don’t like the smoke. Next time I think I will cook them in the air fryer, see if that will work.

I really like the sauce for this dish. It is a simple one, just dark soy sauce, a little sugar, Chinese cooking wine, and chili garlic sauce.

Whole Foods offers a package of mixed mushrooms that I like to use. It includes oyster as well as shitake mushrooms. One package of crimini and one package of the mixed mushrooms were enough for this dish. I used frozen peas this time.

The recipe calls for Italian seasoning. I used fresh herbs out of the garden; thyme, oregano, and rosemary.