Creative writing about cooking and love for family

Thoughts On Cooking For My Family

I believe that food is more than just survival, it’s about comfort, love, and bringing people together.

June 25, 2024 Green Salad with Za’atar Dressing

This is not a usual day for me to do the cooking but the family is on the move as always and I was asked to help out. Both Dtr and SIL are working late so SIL asked me to go to store to purchase a rope of sausage and a package of chicken thighs for him to bar-b-que when he gets home. So I did.

At the house I made a green salad with a wonderful dressing. I squeezed 1 lemon, crushed a clove of garlic, then added a tablespoon of Za’atar. It was delicious.

SIL came home, bar-b-qued the meats. It was just the 3 of us this evening. Gdtr was at work, GSon was at swim team. So just adults. Good thing we love each other and get along so well. A pleasant peaceful evening.